Throughout the pandemic, there has been a light at the end of the tunnel. “It’s just two weeks”, “just another month”, “there is a vaccine coming”, “get two shots and this is all over”. The light at the end of the tunnel becomes a flicker, and then the flicker fades to black again. It's hard to stay hopeful when there is still so much uncertainty, but if the past two years have shown us anything, it's that the world does not stop turning. As we continue to pivot, and try to find the silver lining, we must continue to think about our businesses and how we persevere long term.
“You have customers, but do you have fans?” We ask this question to our clients and followers all the time. Why? Because your customers are vital to the success of your business, you need to figure out how you can make their experience so great, they can't help but talk about your amazing company to their inner circles. Because of the pandemic, this may be a little more challenging, but it is still doable! Here are a few tips that have helped us, and our clients continue to grow their fan base despite the circumstances:
Find Your Presence
This new era of work looks different for all of us. For folks in the event industry, it may be finding the balance of in-person and virtual platforms. For those in the restaurant business, it might be take away or outdoor dining. Shops may pivot towards more online sales, or personal shopping with curb side pickup. Find the hybrid that makes you accessible to your clientele and make it as seamless as possible.
Read the Room and Be Yourself
Be conscious of the messaging you are putting out on behalf of your business. It has been a long time since the world felt “normal” – it’s okay for your messaging to reflect that. In fact, folks are likely to prefer an honest narrative from a real, human voice. It’s become increasingly popular for business owners to show their face and say “hey, this is our story, and this is how the pandemic is effecting us, but here’s how we’re persevering and working to best serve you despite the circumstances.” People aren’t stupid, they can sense a false narrative and quite frankly, the world has enough of them so be you, babe.
Show Them You Care
Most importantly, show your clients and customers you care and are grateful for their business. Give them a reason to come back, and to bring a friend with them. It doesn’t need to be a big, grandiose gesture – a simple handwritten note in their order box, a follow up message on a personal detail they mentioned to you, a little extra perk for choosing you over the competition.
Be kind, be real, be human, and do what you do best. This is what we call Soul Marketing. If you want to learn more download our free e-book at newmoonideas.com or just ask us how we’ve been turning customers into fans throughout the pandemic for our own business and for our clients.